Stephen Froeber

Curious. Interdisciplinary. Creative.

Welcome! I love to create, teach and solve problems. Feel free to explore and enjoy! To listen to my music, watch my videos, or see my photography, use these links:

Fabric Wings

Fabric Wings

A few weeks ago, a colleague of mine reached out to me to see if my kids would be interested in participating in a children’s choir for a Final Fantasy Arrangement that he was working on.

At the time, I was really struggling with my personal creative output, and what direction it would take.

I talked to the kids, and they were interested. It took a bit to get back in the swing of things and get my hardware set up again. But then, something magical happened. As soon as I had turned in the files for him to add, I got inspired to start writing. Christine was positive and encouraging, and she sat down here in the studio with me and gave me some really good feedback.

Over the next few nights, I was able to write and record an entire new song. Then, a wonderfully talented friend named Jordan Chin was available to lay down an awesome guitar solo that really enhanced the energy of the song.

It’s hard to express how much it means to me to be able to publish this and get it out into the world. It’s a reminder that you have to take each part of your journey one step at a time.

I’m very proud to present:

Fabric Wings (feat. Jordan Chin)

Applications and OS Choice for Creatives

Applications and OS Choice for Creatives

Change Comes in Phases

Change Comes in Phases